Planting Onions

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 21st Jun 2016

Planting Onions

There are two ways to start onions either in a tray indoors or directly in the garden; both ways are listed below along with care after onions have started growing.

1.) You can start them in a small tray with potting soil mix by shaking seeds directly over soil and then covering with thin layer or dirt, keep them watered either with a good spray bottle or bottom watering tray. Once onions start to grow nicely move them near sunlight. As plants grow bigger thinning will probably be needed. Thin them down to 4 seedlings per inch or 3 plants in a 1 to 2 in diameter space. Once onions are about the size of a pencil it is time to move them to the prepared garden bed. For rest of instructions read section 2 below.

2.) Start seeds or plant transplants in the garden about a month or so before last frost date has passed. First till in some compost or manure for your onion seeds or transplants. Plant onion seeds or transplants about an 1 inch deep and 6 inches apart in rows spaced about 18 inches apart making it easier to weed them however don’t cultivate earth too deep around onions since root systems are shallow. 

Keep watered so they stay moist and about a month after growing give them a good fertilizer, but avoid giving onions a lot of nitrogen. You can mulch in between bulbs and rows to help keep them moist and keep down weed growth just make sure when bulb starts growing larger to pull back some of the mulch. About a month before harvest stop feeding them. Once tops begin to turn yellow and a quarter of them have started laying over start withholding water and finish bending over tops with a rake or your hand to help them start directing energy to bulb for maturing. After a few days they should be ready to harvest. Simply take them from soil and allow sun to dry skins long enough for dirt to dry. Once dirt has dried it’s time to store them either by braiding or you can put cut off tops and place them in net bags. Cure them for several weeks by placing them under a shed or under cover where air can circulate freely around them. Once you have completed steps they are ready for longer storage! Enjoy!

* If onions start to flower pull and eat right away.

*Also harden transplants off before placing in garden.

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