Why growing Organically is Good

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 18th Apr 2017

Why growing Organically is Good

An article from our previous newsletter:

Why Growing Organically is good

Even though we are not certified organic we still support and implement many organic growing practices. I say practices because growing organically is more of a long term practice than a yearly application. We are more interested in improving soil quality over time than gaining large yields. However growing organically will and does in fact increase yields over time. Using chemical fertilizers may produce some yield, however overtime soil quality can drastically be affected and not for the best.

Using organic practices creates an environment where microorganisms can thrive and allow better uptake of plant nutrients. Mulching for example is one of our biggest practices simply because it helps keep moisture levels stable, encourages earthworms to move in, and adds nutrients back into the soil as it naturally breaks down.

Compost is another really great and easy way to improve soil quality. As you add organic materials such as vegetable clippings, or dried brown material such as shredded leaves to your compost pile those nutrients are extracted through natural processes and made easily available to plants when added to your soil.

Growing organically is truly better because you are mimicking what naturally occurs in ecosystems and provides a better life cycle for plants, and other organisms. Plant disease is decreased with organic methods and yields will improve because of the optimal Ph that is created.

Using chemical fertilizers can actually cause Ph issues over time and nutrients in the soil can become locked up which of course can affect the plant's ability to absorb nutrients therefore decreasing yields and plant health.

These are just some of the reasons we chose to grow organically and are pleased with the results so far.
