Get rid of Aphids Organically

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 21st Apr 2017

Get rid of Aphids Organically

Aphids are a gardener's worst nightmare. They have voracious appetites and these pest seem to multiply over night. They are light green in color as you can see in the picture above and can quickly infest a variety of plants. But how do you get rid of them and do it all without using a single harmful chemical?

Well there are a couple of ways to handle these small invaders. One is to simply pick them off, but if you have dozens of plants infested this would not be the quickest way to rid them. This does work, but again it's quite tiresome and can take a large amount of time, so what is another option?

Neem oil.

Neem oil is an oil derived from the seeds of the Neem tree, which is an evergreen that grows in India. This oil is a powerful organic solution for many garden pests. It is found online and even at big box stores. It comes in concentrate and is diluted with water. Usually you use around 2 to 4 tbsp per gallon when using as an insecticide and again the best part is it's organic.

We use neem oil here on our small farm and have been pleased with the results so far. You may need to spray the infected plants more than once, but it does work.

It also works as a solution for fungus and mildews such as powdery mildew. It truly is a great option and it a safer alternative when compared to other resources.

Lady bugs are another wonderful option since these little beauties eat aphids happily. There are also some other beneficial insects that will gladly handle any aphid problems you have so keep on the look out for these guys.

So if you have an aphid problem be sure to check out Neem oil online and learn about it's many uses and benefits!