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A Journal of Gardening

YouTube | Seed History Series

YouTube | Seed History Series

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 7th Jun 2024

We are starting a new YouTube series called "Seed History," where we will share the exciting histories of seeds. We will explore the origins of seeds, how they came to be, and the role they play in ou … read more
New Children's Book | South GA Publishers

New Children's Book | South GA Publishers

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 7th Jun 2024

We have written a children's book called "A Princess for a Pea" as part of our effort to grow heirlooms and to get children involved with gardening. This colorful and cute fairy tale-like st … read more
All about the Cherokee Purple Tomato

All about the Cherokee Purple Tomato

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 3rd Jun 2024

The Cherokee Purple tomato is a unique heirloom variety with a rich and storied history that dates back over a century. Its origins are believed to be tied to the Cherokee people, an indigenous tribe … read more
Lemon Balm and How to Make Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon Balm and How to Make Lemon Balm Tea

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 31st May 2024

Lemon balm, known scientifically as Melissa officinalis, is a fragrant herb from the mint family. It has been cherished for centuries for its calming properties and delightful citrusy aroma. Making le … read more
All about Lavender and how to make a salve.

All about Lavender and how to make a salve.

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 16th Dec 2023

LavenderLavender has a rich and fascinating history. This fragrant plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, culinary uses, and as a natural perfume. In ancient times, Romans us … read more