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  • All Seasons Cabbage

    South GA Seed Company

    All Seasons Cabbage Seeds

    All seasons is perfect for just that! Growing in all seasons. It works well in hot weather whereas some cabbages struggle. Very flavorful. Produces very well. Also resistant to yellowing.  QTY: 200 Seed Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination...

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  • Brunswick Cabbage

    South GA Seed Company

    Brunswick Cabbage Seeds

    A great cold hearty variety that stores well. They are early 1900s and are very good for sauerkraut. Somewhat flattened shape. Great size too.  QTY: 200 Seed Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination Temperature:  45-75 Days to...

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  • Copenhagen Market Cabbages

    South GA Seed Company

    Copenhagen Market Cabbage Seeds

    Copenhagen Market is a small compact growing variety of cabbage. It's perfect for small gardens or for selling at farmer's markets. It's an old Dutch variety first introduced in 1909 and usually weights between 3 and 4 lbs. Heads are up to 8 inches wide...

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  • Danish Ballhead

    South GA Seed Company

    Danish Ballhead Cabbage Seeds

    Beautiful old heirloom variety of cabbage. Round green to blue cabbage heads that are tightly balled and very delicious. Known for it's resistance to splitting and sweet flavor. Excellent keeper for winter. A garden standard for sauerkraut! Heads can...

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  • Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbages

    South GA Seed Company

    Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Seeds

    Another awesome heirloom variety introduced in the 1800s by Mr. Peter Henderson. Great early variety with cone shaped heads. Plants itself grow to around 3'. Is wonderful for homemade coleslaw or any dish requiring cabbage.  QTY: 200 Seed...

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  • Early Round Dutch

    South GA Seed Company

    Early Round Dutch Cabbage Seeds

    Early Round Dutch cabbage produces 2-5 pound heads that excel in flavor. This Cabbage produces round uniform shape heads. Slow to bolt. Another good Dutch variety. QTY: 200 Seed Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination Temperature:  45-75 Days to...

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  • Golden Acre Cabbage

    South GA Seed Company

    Golden Acre Cabbage Seeds

    Golden acre cabbage produces 3-4 pound heads that are not only very succulent, but also sweet and tender. This Cabbage produces round, tight heads shaped like balls.  Known for its early production and uniformity.  It is a great cabbage for...

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  • Late Flat Dutch Cabbage Seeds

    South GA Seed Company

    Late Flat Dutch Cabbage Seeds

    Late Flat Dutch is a large growing cabbage with solid heads. Heads can weigh up 15 lbs! Very good flavor described as excellent. Also a good keeper. QTY: 200 Seed Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination Temperature:  45-75 Days to...

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  • Mibuna Cabbage

    South GA Seed Company

    Mibuna Cabbage Seeds

    Loose leaf type Chinese cabbage that produces green leaves with white veins. About a foot tall when mature. Grows in clusters. Nice mustard type taste. Mildly sharp flavor excellent in stir fry. Or mixed salads.  QTY: 200 Seed Planting...

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  • Pak Choi Cabbage

    South GA Seed Company

    Pak Choi White Stem

    Pak Choi white stem cabbages are a non heading variety of cabbage. Quick growing oriental variety used in Asian cooking. Very good for stir fry or eaten raw. As called Bok Choy.  QTY: 100 Seed Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination Temperature: ...

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  • Perfection Savoy

    South GA Seed Company

    Perfection Savoy Cabbage Seeds

    Perfection Savoy cabbage is a unique tasty variety with dark green crumpled leaves. Hears are lighter in color with a sweet savory flavor. Packed full of nutrients. Large drum heads up rob 8 lbs in size will tolerate heat better than some cabbages...

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  • Purple Vienna Kohlrabi

    South GA Seed Company

    Purple Vienna Kohlrabi Seeds

    Old strikingly beautiful heirloom plant that grows cabbage like bulbs above ground. Produces well and very tasty as a substitute for raw or stewed cabbage. Flesh is white and naturally the outer skin purple. Old variety dates back to the early...

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  • Red Acre Cabbage

    South GA Seed Company

    Red Acre Cabbage Seeds

    The Red Acre Cabbage is a supreme variety of cabbage and simply one of the best Red Cabbage varieties available. It is a tasty cabbage variety that produces a beautiful reddish-purple globe shaped head. QTY: 200 Seed Planting Depth: 1/4" Germination...

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