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Danvers 126 Carrot Seeds

South GA Seed Company

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Danvers carrots have great  yields, smooth skin, and uniformity. They are a heat tolerant carrot variety that will also work in a wide range of soils which make them a great garden choice.  6-7" long and about 2" at the shoulder this is a premier storage carrot.  They resist cracking and splitting and really strong tops make it easy to pull this carrot from the garden.

  • QTY: 225
  • Seed Planting Depth: 1/4"-1/8"
  • Germination Temperature: 55-70
  • Days to Germination:   10-15
  • Row Spacing: 4"
  • Plant Spacing:  2"
  • 100' Row Yield: 95 lb
  • Sun: Full
  • Harvest time:  72 days

How to Save Seeds

Carrots will cross pollinate with other carrots or Queen Anne's Lace which is a common weed found in some parts of the country. You'll want to check your area to see whether or not Queen Anne's Lace is grown in your area. If so make sure your carrots are separated by at least ¼ of a mile from Queen Anne's as well as other carrot varieties. Overwinter by mulching and them allow them to seed in spring. Let umbels fully dry and ripen before collecting seeds.