★ Organically grown on our farm
Beautiful and rare North GA Candy Roaster squash seeds! Delicious flavor similar to Butternut with a hint of sugar. Large and meaty orange flesh. They are somewhat curved with a salmon colored body with the distinct green tip on the end. Native to our area. Grows very vigorous vines. Great producer. And it keeps long in storage so great for putting up food. C. Maxima
- QTY. 12
- Seed Planting Depth: 1 to 1.5"
- Germination Temperature: 70-85
- Days to Germination: 3-10
- 100' yield: 100 lbs
- Row Spacing: 48"
- Plant Spacing: 24"-36"
- Sun: Full
How to Save Seeds
Pumpkins are actually from the squash family. So they will cross will different types of squash. There are 4 groups of commonly grown varieties of squash. Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita Maxima, Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbita mixta. With this in mind any variety from the same species or in other terms with the same last name of the 4 species listed above will cross and must be separated 500ft. For instance you can't grow two pepo varieties together or they will cross. Side note: Be sure to check what type of squash you have in order to determine cross pollination chances. Squash and pumpkins can be seed harvested the same way. Let them stay on the vine until fall and then cut off the vine let sit for a week and then cut them open scoop out flesh and place in water. Wash seeds and place them on a screen rack for drying or paper. Turn often so they are able to fully dry a week or so and then properly them store accordingly.