★ Organically grown on our farm
Chocolate Leaf Heart has beautiful heart shaped peppers with rich chocolate coloring. Excellent mild flavor, but very prolific producer. Late season variety and bushy habit. Stark contrast in leaf and stem coloring. Not only ornamental, but good for the kitchen too!
- QTY: 25
- Seed Planting Depth: 1/4"
- Germination Temperature: 75-85
- Days to Germination: 7-10
- Row Spacing: 24"
- Plant Spacing: 12-18"
- 100' Row Yield: 40 lb
- Sun: Full
- Harvest time: 73 days
How to Save Seeds
Peppers are self pollinators, but will cross within the same species much like squash so it's best not to plant two of the same species. Separate by at least 500ft. Once peppers are ripe on stalk and fully dry harvest them cut open and scoop out seeds. Allow to dry for a week or so. Dry method works great.