Merveille Des Marches Tomato Seeds {Indeterminate} (Rare French Heirloom)
South GA Seed Company★ Organically grown on our farm
Not commonly found in the US market, in fact to our knowledge we are the only US seed company that does grow and offer it for sale. Extremely rare old French heirloom with one of the best tomato flavors I have ever tasted. Complex flavor both sweet yet with a robust tomato flavor. Good producer too. Small to medium sized red tomatoes. Rich bold red color. Taste that stays with you long after you eaten it. Great variety glad to have this one for sale in the US. By far our favorite for this 2017 growing season.
- QTY: 25
- Seed Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2"
- Germination Temperature: 70-85
- Days to Germination: 6-9
- Row Spacing: 60"
- Plant Spacing: 18-36"
- 100' Row Yield: 75 lb
- Sun: Full
- Harvest time: 80 days
How to Save Seeds
Tomatoes are self pollinating, so separate by 50ft is sufficient. Harvest tomatoes when ripe and you can even let them set for a week or so before saving seeds. Once you are ready to harvest simply cut in half scoop out seeds and pulp into a mason jar of water for fermenting. Then seal jar with a lid and place in and warm place out of direct sunlight. After 5 to 7 days of fermenting pour out seeds floating on top of the water along with mold and then pour rest of the good seeds, on the bottom, over a fine mess strainer to catch them. Dry well in fine mesh or paper towels but turn often so they don't stick to paper.