How to Preserve Fresh Dill

Posted by Jennifer Dixon on 7th Jun 2017

How to Preserve Fresh Dill

Well now that you have plenty of fresh dill from this year's spring how do you preserve it? Well generally there are two ways. One would be to wash and dry the dill and then freeze it in olive oil, but another way would be to air dry it.

I personally choose to air dry my dill. It's simple and I can use the dill throughout the rest of the year to flavor sauces, stews, or use it with cucumbers.

The first thing of course you will need to do is harvest some dill. Then simply remove the dill leaves from the main stems by either cutting them off or removing them with your fingers by sliding down the main stem. 

Once you have removed the dill leaves you'll need to wash and thoroughly dry them. Once they are dried I take the leaves and add them too breathable mesh bags. 

I purchase the above bags off ebay. They usually hold jewelry or other items. They are 2" x 4" and I fill them about three quarters of the way full, but I try to leave an air gap to help the dill dry evenly. I hang the bags of dill in a dry area that has plenty of good air flow. 

After a couple of weeks I remove the dill and test it to make sure it's fully dried and then place it in a container for further use. 

The biggest thing is just making sure there is no moisture left in your dill so that it will keep for quite a while. You can then add it to homemade pickles, potatoes, stews, soups, or sandwiches. It keeps well and has a wonderful flavor.

Well hopefully now you will be able to save some of your dill from this year's harvest!